
Bell : Inspection Law Amended

The Bell City Council has postponed the final reading of a new ordinance requiring a city inspection of homes offered for sale. The delay grants time to prepare an amendment allowing the inspection fee to be paid through escrow rather than up front by the homeowner.

The proposed amendment was in response to concerns raised by local real estate agents who addressed the council meeting, expressing their support for the ordinance in principle but questioning some of its provisions.

The real estate agents also expressed concern over the amount of the fee, which is not set by the ordinance and will be determined later by the city. The council has stated its intention that the inspections should be self-supporting, and has estimated that inspection costs may be as high as $125 per single-family dwelling. Realtors asked the council to consider partially subsidizing the cost to homeowners.


City Administrator Byron Woosley said he and some members of the council will address a meeting of the Southeast Board of Realtors next week to answer questions.
