
Louis Farrakhan’s Visit to Los Angeles

Wait a moment Dr. Fairchild! Confronting racial bias or any other social imposition is important and a part of what must be done to achieve a society that is equal for all. But, what works best?

Have the Palestinians really benefited from the excesses of Yasser Arafat? Have the Jews benefited from militant Rabbi Meir Kahane? There is no question that power must deal with power, that the establishment must be confronted before it will relinquish its special prerogatives and/or territory. That is not the issue. The issue is, how to do it, how to enlist the aid of the many to achieve the goals of a few? That is not achieved by alienation!

Fairchild says, “Farrakhan does us a favor. He represents controversial ideas for all to see, debate and learn from.” Farrakhan certainly represents controversy; stimulating anger and violence always does. Martin Luther King stimulated peaceful action without alienation and achieved ; we have a better society because of him!

We must not set one group against another, we must not denigrate anyone or any faction to achieve a goal. We must use the tools of a free society to achieve what is needed.


Los Angeles
