
Bellflower : Market Study Firm Chosen

The City Council has chosen Williams-Kuebelbeck and Associates Inc. of Irvine to prepare a marketing study of ways to attract more businesses to Bellflower.

Faced with a dying downtown business strip and lagging sales tax revenues, the council voted in April to contract with a marketing firm to help the city boost commercial activity. After interviewing two other firms, the council voted 4-1 to contract with Williams-Kuebelbeck.

“I thought they would be a little more aggressive,” Councilman Ken Cleveland said. “We really need someone who is going to help us market the city.”


Councilman Joseph Cvetko voted against the firm after asking the council to delay making a decision. He wanted to study the three firms further.

The market study, which will include economic information like sales tax projections and recommendations on what type of businesses Bellflower can attract, will be completed in late spring, Planning Director Lee Whitenberg said.

The council will approve a contract with the Irvine firm at its Sept. 14 meeting.
