
Hollywood : Homes Put Up for Sale

Four Hollywood homes are being offered for sale by the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education to anyone willing to move the structures from their present sites.

The homes, at 5600, 5642, 5646 and 5656 Carlton Way, will be sold individually to buyers who submit the highest bids over $100. The school board paid $664,500 for the properties.

Buyers must be able to move the homes to property zoned for residential use. Bids must be submitted to the school district’s real estate office by 10 a.m. on Sept. 16. The office is located at 1425 S. San Pedro St., Room 101.


The board recently acquired the properties in order to expand Grant Elementary School, which is overcrowded. Construction of a new building with 14 classrooms is scheduled to begin in January.

The school board had planned to raze the homes, but agreed to try to sell them after neighborhood residents argued that the buildings were historically significant. The four homes, built 60 to 70 years ago, will be destroyed if they are not sold.

A packet with complete details of the sale offer is available from the school district’s real estate office. For more information, call Betty Willman at 742-7581.
