
Los Caballeros Team Splits Tennis Matches

Judy Evans and Kathy Wanchek of Fountain Valley won two doubles matches to lead the Los Caballeros Racquet Club women’s tennis team Friday in the second day of the U.S. Tennis Assn./Volvo Tennis League 3.0 national team championships at Seabrook Island, S.C.

Los Caballeros defeated Tucson, 3-2, Friday morning in the round-robin tournament, but lost to Corpus Christi, Tex., 3-2, Friday afternoon.

Evans and Wanchek won their first match, 6-2, 6-3, and their second match, 7-6, 6-2.

Rosemary Taylor and Karen Blackburn also helped Los Caballeros with doubles victories over Tucson, 7-6, 7-6, and Corpus Christi, 6-2, 6-3. Donna Mosby and Midge Thompson won their match against Tucson, 6-4, 6-1.


Los Caballeros will play St. Louis this morning and Toledo, Ohio, this afternoon. Two victories today would advance the team to Sunday’s final.
