

How do you behave like a pompous so-and-so, and get petty revenge against well-meaning young people who do their jobs courteously and professionally, but fail to cater to your inconsiderate whims?

Shavelson did so with a full-page petty attack on Cineplex Odeon. His article, though meant to be humorous, was a sarcastic cheap-shot riddled with unfair criticisms, immature sexist slurs and blatant hyperbole.

Although it is not without imperfections, the Cineplex Odeon theater is a fine operation that deserves fair, accurate and unbiased mention, not the petty, sexist and baseless tired rhetoric of Shavelson’s sarcastic and shameful article. It seems his criticism is a result of theater employees’ refusal to violate fair and sensible policy in order to pamper Shavelson with special treatment.


Shavelson’s immature and sexist description of his attempt to recognize the cashier by her measurements is so deplorable and out of place in the L.A. Times that it carries the criticism beyond the writer and to the editors.

Those who allowed such vulgar and backward rhetoric to disgrace what tends to be a generally progressive and inoffensive publication should rethink their policy. If such insulting trash continues, we the readers should rethink our policy.


