
Bork’s Supreme Court Nomination

After a summer of hearing all the derogatory, anti-Bork rhetoric, I have been glad to see and hear for myself the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing.

It has been enlightening as well as very disturbing. I am afraid I have to agree with Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) when he said it is simply “politics.” Now that is frightening.

Witness after witness (i.e., former Chief Justice Warren E. Burger; former counsel for President Jimmy Carter, Lloyd N. Cutler; former American Bar Assn. presidents, etc.) have all given powerful statements favoring his confirmation. It was impressive indeed to hear Burger say, “I know of no person with finer qualifications.”

I sincerely hope that the American people are really paying attention this time. I believe it would be a great loss to America and a grave injustice to this superbly qualified man were he not to be confirmed as the next Supreme Court justice.



