
Vote Promised on Redondo Beach Renewal Plan

Redondo Beach Mayor Barbara J. Doerr and a majority of City Council members said last week that they will put a controversial redevelopment proposal to a public vote if the council decides to go forward with the project.

The city’s Redevelopment Agency, made up of the mayor and City Council members, said it will conduct a public information campaign and decide in March whether to proceed with the redevelopment process.

City officials told the council that by law the issue cannot be put to the voters until the council adopts a redevelopment plan.


Although the council did not vote to put the issue on a future ballot, Doerr and council members Kay Horrell, John Chapman and Archie Snow said they are willing to do so.

Council member Marcia Martin was absent but relayed a message through City Manager Tim Casey that she also will support a public vote. Councilman Ronald A. Cawdrey did not say whether he would support one.

Opponents of redevelopment have asked city officials to let the voters decide whether they want the redevelopment project.


The project area encompasses most of Artesia and Aviation boulevards; Pacific Coast Highway between South Guadalupe Avenue and Anita Street; Catalina Avenue between Beryl and Anita streets and between Pearl and Diamond streets; the City Hall complex; Veterans and Dominguez parks; the Redondo Union High School campus; two industrial areas--one on 190th Street and one in the northeastern corner of the city--and the Southern California Edison right of way that cuts across North Redondo.

The Redevelopment Agency has said it intends to take all residential properties out of the project area, as well as all properties south of Diamond Street except the high school campus and the beach.
