
Getting Deeper Into Richer Hues

The Color Connection From a Retailer’s Perspective, by Joan Callaway with illustrations by Jo Ann Stabb (Winterspring Press: $29.95).

Though this book is designed for retailers, it may also be of considerable interest to consumers who have experimented with the seasonal theory of personal color coordination and want to know more.

While most books on this subject concentrate on helping an individual discover which group or portions of groups of colors are most compatible with his or her own coloring, Joan Callaway’s goes several steps further.


Fabrics most appropriate for each seasonal group (winter, spring, summer, fall) are described, as are design lines for each type. She even gets specific enough to mention what size buttons are most appropriate for each of the various types, which hair styles will be most flattering and what sort of jewelry will be most effective. In addition, she explains how these theories have helped her be more successful in retailing.
