
FINAL NOTES: Several guest musicians will appear...

FINAL NOTES: Several guest musicians will appear on Stevie Wonder’s “Characters.” Michael Jackson--who sings a duet with Wonder, “Just Good Friends,” on Jackson’s “Bad” album--returns the favor by singing on “Get It.” R&B; singer Junior appears on “One of a Kind” and B.B. King appears on “Come Let Me Make Your Love Down.” . . .

Motown Records, which marked its 25th anniversary in 1983 with a top-rated NBC-TV special, plans an even bigger hurrah for its 30th anniversary next year. Tentative plans call for a five-day festival next summer in Detroit, which was the label’s home base until it moved to L.A. in 1971. . . .

Roger Hodgson, formerly with Supertramp, shattered one wrist and broke the other in a recent fall off a ladder at his cabin in Northern California. A&M; Records had him flown to UCLA Medical Center. He’s now back home recuperating. Hodgson’s new album is “Hai Hai.” . . .


Timbuk 3, which cracked the Top 20 a year ago with “The Future’s So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades),” will release a Christmas single this year: “All I Want for Christmas Is World Peace.” Proceeds of the original song will go the Northeast War Resisters League, which is working to ban war toys. . . .

Wade Williams, the audio-truck operator who made audio and video tapes of Elvis Presley’s last two concerts in 1977, died in December but willed the tapes of the concert to his 15-year old daughter, Jacklyn. The Presley estate has ruled that Williams owned the tapes, and could sell them as part of a “collector’s package,” but not for broadcast. Williams’ widow, Holly, has put the tapes on the block for $500,000. The transaction is being handled by the Tyler Kjar Agency in Los Angeles.
