
Office Fit for an Outdoorsman

Mic Mead’s office at the Adventure 16 store on Alvarado Canyon Road is in keeping with the store’s woodsy atmosphere.

That’s because Mead’s office is the log cabin sitting in the middle of the store’s retail floor. Rozie, Mead’s 6-year-old dog, generally can be found sitting on a rocking chair on the cabin’s front porch.

Equally incongruous is the wilderness outfitting store’s location, just yards away from a stretch of Interstate 8 that Caltrans once identified as the busiest road in the state.


But that location is central to Mead’s plan. “Right now we’re just minutes off of the interstate in San Diego, Los Angeles and the (San Fernando) Valley. And in January we’ll be just five minutes from (Interstate 405) in Irvine. The interstate locations give us control.”
