
Woman Suspected of Food Tampering Held

A 41-year-old Glendale woman was arrested on suspicion of felony food tampering Monday after a customer at a local supermarket allegedly saw her holding an open soft drink bottle and a syringe, police reported.

Catherine Elizabeth Davis of Glendale was arrested at an Albertson’s market, 331 N. Glendale Ave., after the customer reported her to store authorities, Sgt. Dick Rollins said. She was being held in lieu of $5,000 bail.

Officers said that no one actually saw Davis inject the contents of the syringe into any item.


Police said the contents of the soft drink bottle and the syringe, which contained a liquid, would be analyzed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department chemists.

The store, which normally is open until midnight, was closed early while a team of officers searched the premises.

Rollins said that officers found “no evidence that the woman may have handled any other items in the store.”
