

Whatever happens to the “Isthar” video, don’t look for the sound track in the record stores. A Capitol Records spokeswoman said the June deadline for the delivery of a master was missed.

Said the rep: “Apparently Warren, Dustin and Elaine had creative control, but they could never agree on the songs. They were constantly fiddling with them.” She joked, “I guess they haven’t made too many albums before. But it’s definitely too late to release it.”

Paul Williams, who co-wrote the film’s original songs, isn’t sure if he can release them on his own or not: “I’m proud of the songs and I’d like people to hear them. I was disappointed by Warren’s and Dustin’s attitude towards the sound track. When the movie died, they seemed to lose interest in the sound track, even though they always told me how much they loved the songs.”


Which means you’ll never be able to play such romantic ballads as “That a Lawn Mower Can Do All That.”
