
Another View of Spain

In reading your Letters From Readers I came across some cry-babies who are lax in their behavior as to their property. They are on holiday, so let’s “holiday.” If they were in L.A., Chicago or New York they would be wary about the sharpies, but since they are Americans everyone should respect them and their properties as they flaunt their wealth.

My wife and I spent a glorious two weeks in Spain, hired a car, drove to the Alhambra from Fuengerola, also to Barcelona as well as Gibraltar along with many a side trip. Our Spanish is the high school variety that we learned 30 years ago (and forgot). We were treated magnificently by all we met, be it a nino or a waiter or a stranger that we approached for directions on our rides. We had a marvelous time and hope to get back there again.

We were told not to roam by ourselves at night in Rome. At 1 a.m. we were walking in the old part of Rome with no problem. Except in Florence, aboard a trolley I felt a hand try my hip pocket, but I’ve had the same thing happen here. Deprive myself of the beauty and wonders of the Old World due to my foolishness and naivete, never. Life is too short, and there is much to be seen before my time is up.



Cathedral City
