
Pomona’s View of Water District

Pomona has long been concerned about receiving a fair share of benefits of the Three Valleys Municipal Water District commensurate with the revenue and taxes its citizens have contributed to Three Valleys.

Pomona contributes approximately $100,000 in tax and administration costs each year to the district.

From 1960 to 1986, Pomona residents and businesses have contributed taxes totaling nearly $3 million. Using a conservative investment interest of 6%, Pomona’s tax contribution would be about $4 million. To date, Pomona has not received benefits commensurate with those contributions.


The construction of two new facilities at substantial costs to the district do not at present benefit Pomona in any appreciable manner.

A memorandum of understanding being considered by Three Valleys and its customers is the only way to assure that Pomona will receive benefits commensurate with its share of the contribution.

The proposed plan provides expanded elected representation of Three Valley’s board, which will allow the board to more equitably consider policies that will benefit all regions of the district.


It seems particularly appropriate to be discussing responsive and equitable representation during this bicentennial celebration of the signing of our nation’s Constitution.


Mayor of Pomona
