
Obligations at the U.N.

Good work, Merck & Co. for such a rare and generous display of concern for the welfare of people all over the world (“A Cure With a Problem,” Editorial, Oct. 28). The firm has developed and will manufacture without charge a drug to prevent river blindness, a parasitic disease.

The drug Mectizan, when available and prescribed, could save lives and prevent the chaotic migration of the people to the cities, thereby maintaining the culture and family structure of these people in Third World nations.

I was saddened to learn that the distribution of this drug has been slowed down due to the failure of the United States to pay its share of the World Health Organization budget both this and last year.


I am disappointed that our government can justify spending billions on “Star Wars” while we cannot find a few million dollars to save the lives of human beings. Where are our priorities?


San Diego
