
Robert A. Reed to Be Installed by Architects

Robert Allen Reed will be installed as 1988 president of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Institute of Architects at a Saturday dinner dance at the Jonathan Club, downtown. Reed is project manager for the architectural firm Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall.

Art Seidenbaum, editor of The Times Opinion section and an honorary member of the chapter, will speak on the topic, “The Architect: Artist or Entrepreneur?”

Other new officers are Fernando Juarez, vice president/president-elect; Ronald A. Altoon, secretary; Joseph D. Vaccaro, treasurer, and directors Cyril Chern, Pamela J. Edwards-Kammer, William H. Fain Jr., George R. Pressler, Adrian Cohen, Patric B. Dawe, Arthur Golding and Robert J. Anderson.


Chern will install officers and directors of the Women’s Architectural League: President Beverly Bolin, president-elect Sally Landworth, recording secretary Valerie Griffiths and treasurer Ann Bluestone. Other directors include Kay Tyler, Heidi Moore, Glenous Absmeier, Ruth Brown, Adele Jordan, Phyllis Laffin, Martha Bowerman, Betty Gamble and Juanita Gulbrand-D’Jerf.

Preceding the installation dinner program, winners of the LA/AIA associates “Real Problems” competition will be announced and entries exhibited during a public reception Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Park Plaza Hotel, 607 S. Park View St.
