
The Nation : Mercury Dips to 5 Degrees in New York

New York City’s morning reading of 5 degrees made it the coldest day this winter for the Big Apple, while Maine and New Hampshire recorded even lower temperatures as a big chill settled in in the Northeast. One man was found frozen to death on a Manhattan steam vent, police said. In New Hampshire’s White Mountains, wind gusts to 100 m.p.h. and temperatures of 20 below sent the wind chill factor off the scale. In an unusual move, the New England Power Pool, a consortium of more than 90 regional utilities, issued a public plea for conservation, especially in the early evening hours when electricity use peaks. It also cut back power to certain industrial and commercial customers. Maine’s coldest spot was at the western shore of Moosehead Lake, where the mercury plunged to minus 29 degrees, with a wind chill factor of minus 70 to minus 80 degrees.
