
They’re Raisin’ the Roof Over Remark in Fresno

Associated Press

Raisin industry officials are outraged over a county Health Department employee’s comparison of Fresno’s trademark crop to rat droppings.

Keith Stewart was discussing a county rat infestation problem during a local television interview last week when he described rodent droppings as looking like “unwrinkled raisins.”

John Pakchoian, chairman of the Raisin Administrative Committee, said Stewart should be fired. Other raisin executives have launched a letter-writing campaign to protest the remark.


Stewart said he doesn’t understand what the fuss is all about.

“I also said mice pellets look like darkened rice. Now, is the rice industry going to come down on me?” Stewart asked.

“I really can’t understand where a noon newscast is going to wipe out the raisin industry.”

Pakchoian said he wouldn’t accept an apology for Stewart’s “stupid remark” and added, “the damage is done.”


In recent years the raisin industry has spent millions trying to create a positive image for the product. The expensive but popular “Dancing Raisins” promotion has been at the forefront of the advertising blitz.
