
Hall of Flames

I am appalled that someone who claims to be as informed about the music world as Robert Hilburn would neglect to mention at all a man who since the ‘70s and well into the ‘80s has been more influential than any other figure in music--Bryan Ferry.

Whether the creative drive behind Roxy Music, or as a solo artist, he consistently turns out masterpieces during an age when most of the premier artists of the ‘70s wallow in their creative droughts.

One only has to look at two of the greatest albums in rock history, “Avalon” (1982) and “Boys and Girls” (1985), to realize that Bryan Ferry is not only one of the most influential figures of all time, but, unfortunately, the most underrated musician in the music world.


If the Hall of Fame voters are in the know, I’d say Bryan Ferry is a 90% cinch to make the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Without him it can only be a Hall of Shame.


Studio City
