

Gov. George Deukmejian named two men to Municipal Court judgeships Monday in San Diego County.

Eddie C. Sturgeon, 40, of El Cajon, was appointed to the El Cajon Municipal Court. He replaces William Howatt Jr., who was elevated to the San Diego County Superior Court.

Sturgeon, who will be sworn in Wednesday, has been an attorney in San Diego County specializing in criminal defense work for 13 years. He attended law school at the University of Santa Clara after graduating from San Diego State University. He is past president of the Foothills Bar Assn.


Ronald Prager, 44, of Del Mar, also was appointed to the East County Municipal Court bench. He replaces Robert May, who was elevated to San Diego Superior Court.

Prager has been with the state attorney general’s Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud since 1983 and has been chief prosecutor for the last year.

The starting salary for a Municipal Court judge is $74,432 a year.
