
Westreich on Jesse Jackson

I hope that Westreich read Will’s column of Jan. 29 as well as Jeane Kirkpatrick’s of Jan. 17. It is indeed Jackson who is the beneficiary of the double standard.

There is no question that Arafat and Louis Farrakhan are vile anti-Semites; and for Jackson to kiss one and seek the support of the other illustrates his complete unacceptability as a candidate for President.

Aside from many inaccuracies and unsubstantiated allegations, Westreich makes an odious comparison: “. . . That if blacks in America can make their peace with George Wallace and segregationist whites, then Israelis can make their peace with Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians.”


In the first place, Arafat is irreconcilable in his quest to drive the Israelis into the sea. Therefore, how can the Israelis be expected to make peace with someone who has sworn to annihilate them? Second, it is the other way around: The Arabs are the ones who should make peace with the Israelis. They created the wars and continue the aggression.

Besides, why should any American--Gentile, Jew, black, white or whatever--support Jackson for President? He has never held an elective office, has never had meaningful experience in any branch of government and, in general, does not have any demonstrable qualifications for that most important office.


Woodland Hills
