
Show-Biz Economics 101

“A Spellbinding Way to Make a Movie” made me sick to my stomach (by Patrick Goldstein, Feb. 3).

How Hollywood producers can pay poverty-stricken people in Haiti 66 cents an hour while they rake in millions and not feel they are exploiting anyone is nauseating. Then, when the 2,000 angry extras revolt, these humanitarians promise them raises and skulk off into the night like the carpetbaggers they are.

Of course, “The Serpent and the Rainbow” director Wes Craven said, “You couldn’t help but have enormous sympathy for them (Haitian extras). The poverty is just limitless.”


Gee, Wes, thanks for your concern, maybe you can hike their pay to 67 cents an hour next time. The best image of these modern day plantation owners is producer Rob Cohen sipping cappuccino at a Sunset Strip cafe and chuckling over their exploits. This story was a disgrace. It angered and saddened me.

I’ll never see “The Serpent and the Rainbow.” It won’t mean much to the bulging bank accounts of these parasites, but without my $6 they’ll have to hire nine fewer extras the next time they want to exploit the Third World.


Los Angeles
