
Measure A Vote in Seal Beach

As one who has spent several years in community planning, I find Measure A on the March 29 Seal Beach ballot to be in opposition to sound planning principles.

The City of Seal Beach in recent years has adopted logical, meaningful ordinances to regulate the building here. It would be unwise to change these procedures at the expense of initiating what legal experts say are illegal provisions in Measure A.

Allowing residences to be expanded without regard to increased parking requirements, which is permitted in Measure A, contradicts the philosophy of preserving open area and space.


It also appears that Measure A would allow a 35-foot height limit on all buildings in the coastal area. The ordinance now allows that height only on the back half of buildings. This is a further indicatation that more air and light space would be lost if should Measure A pass.

Please join me in opposing Measure A.

