
Support for the MWD

Your strong support for legislation allowing the Metropolitan Water District to line the All-American Canal (“What a Waste,” March 1) in spite of strong opposition from the Imperial Irrigation District, which is paying for the canal and has managed it since its completion, the Bureau of Reclamation which built it, and environmentalists who like it the way it is, is understandable. You naturally support the home team, be it right or wrong.

OK. Support it. But there is such a thing as playing fair with the facts.

Why imply that IID is the only opponent? There are many California water districts that fear the incursion of MWD’s appetite for power over California’s water resources.

They strongly oppose MWD’s attempts to invade IID’s service area.

You call IID’s irrigation system “inefficient.” On whose expert authority? The Bureau of Reclamation, which knows something about irrigation, has called IID’s system one of the most efficient in the world.


Where did you get this nonsense about MWD offering “to fix” IID’s system? MWD knows nothing about operating or “fixing” a modern irrigation system. Improvements that are planned and are being made to IID’s system have been, are being and will be made by IID. We know what has to be done and how to do it.

The Times has expressed its blind loyalty to the rich and powerful MWD many times since IID and MWD began negotiating for a water swap four years ago, just as The Times sided with Los Angeles over drying up Owens Valley years ago. It’s the hometown against anybody who isn’t for the hometown.

Every year the revenue the city of Los Angeles receives from selling Owens Valley water is greater than the assessed valuation of all of Owens Valley.


I’m sure The Times would love to see the hometown MWD match that feat with water from Imperial Valley.

The Times has ridiculed IID’s repeated offers to sell conserved water to MWD, just as The Times once opposed the construction of the All-American Canal you now want MWD to “fix.”

So be it. Take up for the hometown boys, right or wrong.

But, please, give fairness a chance. Use facts.



Imperial Irrigation District

El Centro
