
Seal Beach’s Ballot Measure on Growth

Over the past 18 years, I’ve witnessed significant growth and development in Seal Beach. While not always perfect, it has generally proceeded in a controlled and responsible manner, with more than adequate opportunity for input on matters of public concern. Although I don’t always agree on specific issues, I believe that local government has competently served and represented the needs of its citizens.

Seemingly frustrated with this democratic process, the proponents of the Spring (Seal Beach Preservation Initiative Group) slow-growth measure, are attempting to subvert (the process) with their misguided initiative. Promising everything, Spring serves only special interests while rendering elective government impotent.

Spring is a confusing and chaotic piece of legislation. It will leave only lawsuits, extra costs, inefficiencies and headaches in its wake. It is certainly not the vehicle to lead this city into a future that promises to be increasingly complex and problematic. I’m confident that responsible citizens in Seal Beach will join me in voting it down.



Seal Beach
