
Trailers for the Homeless

It was with great sadness that I read in The Times (Metro, March 17) that the proposal to house homeless veterans and their families in trailers on the grounds of the Veterans Administration Medical Center near Westwood has been dropped because of opposition from area homeowners.

During the Passover season we are taught to be vigilant in our responsibilities to the poor and homeless for “Remember ye were once oppressed and in bondage in the land of Egypt.” A society is measured by how it treats its powerless members, by how it opens its heart in compassion to those in need.

Are we not all still a little in Egypt if we harden our hearts to the poor? Are we not all still lost in the desert if we fear to invite the homeless into our neighborhoods? The road to the promised land will not be an easy one, but I am convinced that those who reach it will do so because of an overwhelming feeling of solidarity for all our brothers and sisters on this planet, and the strengthening that results from this conviction.


Let us become truly liberated in this hopeful season, by transcending our fears, and by marching in solidarity and love to provide the compassionate policies in our community that include affordable housing, and the necessary support services for all.


Kehillat Ma’arav Synagogue

Los Angeles
