

Gee, I wish Mark Looy of the Institute for Creation Science had provided the titles and authors of a few of the “creation textbooks” . . . “written by eminently qualified scientists without referring to the Bible” (Saturday Letters, March 26).

Perhaps he could also recommend some equally respected books on the Flat Earth Theory, the world borne on the back of a tortoise or the sun and the stars revolving around the Earth.

While I have never considered myself as lacking in imagination, I cannot figure out how one can teach Creationism without referring to a Creator. Which brings up all the old questions, all the answers to which must be based on faith.


Surely, it is not the job of the public schools to teach faith. Governor Reagan said that it is not the job of the state college system to support intellectual curiosity. I say that if the public schools are forced to teach myth as fact, we are headed, hellbent-for-leather, for the Dark Ages.

Then, Creator help us, ‘cause nobody else can.


