
Disneyland Hotel Workers Fired for Not Shaving Mustaches

And a big ol’ friendly “ Sieg Heil “ to those fine folks at the Disneyland Hotel who are firing employees with beards and mustaches (“Two Fired at Disney Hotel for Defying Order to Shave,” Part I, March 30). I think it’s downright wonderful for them to have pointed out to me that those of us with beards aren’t so wholesome and American-looking as we thought we were. I mean, I always knew that Disneyland employees all looked a certain way, but I had thought it was because they were all trying to look like they were auditioning for the Jimmy Swaggart-Lawrence Welk Wholesome Choir.

But listen, the Disneyland people didn’t go far enough. After all, what’s that above the lip of Uncle Walt himself, a caterpillar? Touch up Disney’s photos immediately and get rid of that subversive mustache! And while they’re at it, they’d better shave that mechanized Abraham Lincoln they have there. Such un-American sleaze must not be allowed to conflict with the image of the Magic Kingdom, where it’s nasty to look like Walt Disney, but it’s OK to look like a giant rodent, or like a psychotic duck.


