
Sherry Passmore ‘Stabbed in Back’

Who was the gutless “prominent development official” who stabbed a lady in the back in your March 20 article on Sherry Passmore and then whimpered “don’t identify me to the public.”

The unidentified person is wrong in saying that Passmore doesn’t understand how the process works and riles up people. She has tapes of conversations showing that she knows how the process works. These people are no doubt afraid that she will educate too many people.

To those who called Passmore a carpetbagger, look up the word in Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. Another person calls her a mercenary. The same dictionary defines that word as “serving merely for pay.” The person who called her that must have been looking in the mirror.


The statement that some loopholes are being closed is an admission that officials are aware of loopholes but do nothing about them until someone like Passmore brings them to the attention of lawmakers and the public.

Homeowners should become involved because the next assault may be made upon your home. Ask questions and attend meetings of your city council and the Board of Supervisors. Demand that you be allowed to speak and receive intelligent answers to your questions.


