
Recruitment of Mills Elicits Questions, and Not Answers

Chris Mills of Fairfax High School might not play basketball for the University of Kentucky after all, according to his father, Claud.

In a weekend interview with the Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, he said: “I really don’t know if (Chris is) coming to Kentucky or not. I really don’t know. It’s up to the NCAA. . . . I don’t care anymore. I’m sick of it. I’ve got a hundred reporters calling me every day. I’m sick and tired of you accusing my son of something.”

The National Collegiate Athletic Assn. and the university are investigating allegations that $1,000 in cash was found when an overnight mail envelope addressed to Claud Mills popped open at a Los Angeles sorting center. The sender was listed as Dwane Casey, a Kentucky assistant coach.


Monday, in an interview with WLEX-TV in Lexington, Ky., Claud Mills claimed that he had been misquoted by the Herald-Leader and that Chris will, indeed, play for Kentucky.

Mike Johnson, the newspaper’s sports editor, said that Claud’s original interview is on tape and that all quotes are correct.
