
Governor Wants Armenia on Talks Agenda

Gov. George Deukmejian will ask President Reagan to press Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev for reunification of Soviet Armenians separated in the 1920s, the governor said Thursday.

“I’m going to be joining with (Los Angeles County Supervisor) Mike Antonovich and Sen. Pete Wilson in asking the President to bring this issue to the table when he meets with Secretary Gorbachev at the upcoming summit,” Deukmejian told a gathering of the Armenian National Committee at the Century Plaza Hotel.

Demands that the mainly Armenian region of Nagorno-Karabakh in the Azerbaijan republic be reunited with the republic of Armenia have resulted in riots in the Soviet Union.


“The citizens of Karabakh and the Armenian republic have demonstrated their desire for reunification in a peaceful and orderly manner,” said Deukmejian, an Armenian-American.
