

The Times asked each of the Democratic candidates in the 23rd Congressional District’s June 7th primary contest to supply written answers to a questionnaire on national and foreign policy. Re s ponses by Rep. Anthony C. Beilenson and Val Marmillion follow.

1. Do you believe a tax increase is necessary to reduce the federal deficit significantly?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Yes Val Marmillion: No 2. In general, are you inclined to give the President about what he thinks is needed for “Star Wars” (SDI) research and development?

Anthony C. Beilenson: No Val Marmillion: No 3. Would you agree to drop SDI in exchange for deep mutual cuts in long-range offensive weapons?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Would drop development and testing but not research.

Val Marmillion: Yes 4. Would you reduce U.S. defense spending to cut the deficit?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Yes Val Marmillion: Yes 5. Which programs would you cut?

Anthony C. Beilenson: SDI development, deployment and testing; MX missile; B-1B bomber; rail mobile basing method for ICBMs; Trident II missile; two new aircraft carriers; military construction in Honduras; military personnel in Korea; Mark-48 torpedoes.


Val Marmillion: Freeze defense spending for five years resulting in 10% across-the-board cut and eliminate SDI, stealth bomber, chemical warfare, nuclear arms.

6. What is your position on continued humanitarian aid to the Nicaraguan Contras?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Against, except as necessary to encourage the peace process.

Val Marmillion: Against 7. Do you favor the deployment of U.S. troops to Honduras?

Anthony C. Beilenson: No Val Marmillion: No 8. Do you favor opening up large portions of California’s coastline to oil exploration?

Anthony C. Beilenson: No Val Marmillion: No 9. Do you favor exploratory drilling for oil along the coastline in your district?


Anthony C. Beilenson: No Val Marmillion: No 10. Do you support Secretary of State Schultz’s proposed Middle East peace plan calling for Arab-Israeli negotiations to work out Palestinian autonomy on the West Bank?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Yes Val Marmillion: No 11. Do you support federal money for abortions for the poor through Medi-Cal?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Yes Val Marmillion: Yes 12. Do you believe that local public school officials should be allowed to mandate silent prayer by students in the classrooms?


Anthony C. Beilenson: No Val Marmillion: No 13. Do you favor federally financed day care for the poor?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Yes Val Marmillion: Yes, but a national day care program for all, not only for the poor. 14. Do you favor mandatory AIDS testing?

Anthony C. Beilenson: No Val Marmillion: No 15. Would you vote for additional allocations for AIDS research?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Yes Val Marmillion: Yes 16. Should the President put more pressure on the South African government to abandon its policy of apartheid?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Yes Val Marmillion: Yes 17. Do you favor additional limits on the amount of money congressional candidates may receive from political action committees?

Anthony C. Beilenson: Yes Val Marmillion: Yes 18. Do you favor imposing automatic penalty tariffs on other counties that amass huge trade surpluses with the United States?


Anthony C. Beilenson: No Val Marmillion: Yes 19. Do favor presidential pardons for Lt. Col. Oliver North and Rear Admiral John Poindexter?

Anthony C. Beilenson: No Val Marmillion: No 20. Briefly summarize your program for dealing with the national drug problem.

Anthony C. Beilenson: Attack demand with programs for drug abuse education, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation; work with foreign governments to end dependence of their farmers on growing drugs; bolster law enforcement and drug interdiction efforts and improve coordination among law enforcement agencies.

Val Marmillion: Economic sanctions against drug-producing nations; make it a foreign policy priority to stop trafficking; impose restrictions on banks that trade drug money; focus law enforcement on drug providers; increase drug education at the user level and incentives for student anti-drug campaigns; establish a national office on drug enforcement and convene a summit on drugs with key allies.
