
Spending Limits in California

“How Many Times Must Voters Say No?” by Tom McClintock, (Op-Ed Page, June 13) was right on in its explanation of why the overtaxed California voters (“More taxes per capita than the citizens of 39 other states”) rejected recent attempts (Proposition 71, etc.) to gut Gann spending limits.

And (San Francisco Mayor) Art Agnos’ column “Californians Will Pay For Parsimony” (same page) is a perfect picture of the mind-set that blames the voters for not giving the politicians a free hand to plunder their pockets. This is the same Agnos who, while running for mayor only months ago, promised San Francisco residents the sun, the moon, and the stars--and had no answer when his opponent asked, “Where will you get the money?” And now he’s into his “crybaby” act when we, the people, told him he’d have to pay for his own toys--or maybe not promise so much.


Culver City
