
Here’s a Switch: U.S. Firm to Buy Hi-Tech Equipment From China

Associated Press

A U.S. company announced Thursday that it will buy advanced technology from China, an unusual agreement that reverses the roles of the two countries in most high technology transfers.

The company, EG&G; Inc., will buy technological know-how and components for developing a helium magnetometer used for geophysical mapping and minerals exploration, said EG&G; Chairman and Chief Executive John M. Kucharski.

The technology will be provided by the China National Geological Technology Development Import and Export Co., under the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources.


“This is the first time for the ministry to cooperate with an American company to export technical products to the U.S.,” said Vice-Minister Xia Guozhi.

EG&G;, a Massachusetts-based company with an 18-year history in China, previously had sold technology to China, but this is its first time on the buying end.

China has shared scientific and technological knowledge, especially in the areas of agriculture, with African countries. It just signed an agreement with Brazil to develop and launch two scientific satellites in a joint venture.


The United States last fall briefly froze further liberalization of high-technology transfers to China to protest alleged sales of Chinese Silkworm missiles to Iran.
