
Gorbachev Did-In ‘III’

Pat H. Broeske is all wet. Despite her effusion of purple prose, she missed the point entirely (“Rambo Without a Cause,” July 3). John Rambo wasn’t a cause--he was an effect.

Her convoluted analysis of why “Rambo III” met the box-office equivalent of the Soviet winter is a pipe dream that makes her a good creative writer but a lousy investigative reporter.

Because of interminable delays and internecine strife, Stallone’s film crew was forced to tail-gate real events . . . and he was sucker-punched by Chairman Gorbachev.


“III” was Mike-Tysoned in more than 2,000 theaters because it was released after the Soviets began their ignominious pullout. Go argue with a fait accompli .

Even the Fifty-Six Million Dollar Man can’t compete with TV’s graphic coverage of demoralized Red troops being airlifted back to Mother Russia without a shot being fired.


Los Angeles
