
Revenge of the Movie Location People

Like Ron Krueger, I was recently inconvenienced by a location shoot near my home that blocked the only access road in and out of my neighborhood.

I stopped and politely complained to a police officer (I’m always polite to people with guns) that had I been notified they would be filming I would have left for work earlier and avoided the inconvenience.

The officer was condescending and rude (as people with guns generally are) and stated that they legally didn’t have to notify residents, as the film crew had a county permit. In other words, the studios are not required to be courteous (and apparently neither was he, for that matter).


Surely a notice in local mailboxes would make things run smoother for all parties concerned, especially when roads or driveways are being blocked. I would urge all studios to make this a routine practice.

You’d be surprised how cooperative people can be when their lives are considered in the process.


