
More Books on Way

Many thanks to Sharon Dirlam for “Blazing a Trail Through Three Travel Bookstores” (May 29) and to photographer Larry Bessel. The article was well received by Travel Section readers. Many cut it out and came in clutching it. And when it came time to pay for their purchases, they would unfold it and say: “I saw your write-up in The Times,” and waved it at us.

Last week we received a number of South Seas language guides, including Yapese and Marshallese. Nine books have been ordered on the Malay language, and Fijian will be on the shelf soon. From Singapore I’ve ordered 134 guidebooks and language dictionaries on all parts of Southeast Asia and Nepal, which have never been in the United States before. Also, 76 books on Australia are on their way, more than 100 on Europe and Africa.


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Travel Bookstore
