
Chinese Craft of Feng Shui

One does not have to be Chinese to get help from feng shui (“Ancient Chinese Craft: Feng Shui: It Can Make a Difference,” Part I, July 23). “ Feng shui can make a difference” is a very true statement! Our regular feng shui adviser has cleared out and made habitable dwellings here for more than 50 years.

After all obvious physical deficiencies have been corrected there may remain certain invisible but nonetheless real natural forces left there by previous habitants which have poisoned the atmosphere: This is the real objective of the feng shui operator who knows his business.

These disturbing remnants may be eliminated by one who knows how and has the power to drive them out.

They can be eliminated forever and new, uplifting, positive “vibrations” put in their place, making for a happy experience for future occupants.

The ancient Chinese sages, spiritual giants of the past, were real knowers.

As to the current crop of feng shui practitioners, how good they are will depend on integrity of character, and devotion to the original feng shui tradition.



Los Angeles
