
Local News in Brief : Politics : Voters League Has Redistricting Pamphlet

The League of Women Voters of California is making available a pamphlet on the redistricting that will follow the 1990 census.

Redistricting of the House of Representatives’ 435 seats, the state Legislature’s 120 seats and the State Board of Equalization will take place after the April 1, 1990, census. The districts will be re-formulated to equalize the number of people in each. Because of population increases, the state’s congressional delegation is expected to increase by two or three representatives.

The league’s pamphlet addresses the legal requirements of redistricting as well as other influences, including gerrymandering. The pamphlet was paid for in part by the California Council for the Humanities, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


The pamphlets, which cost $2.50 (including tax and postage), may be ordered from the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, 926 J St., Suite 1000, Sacramento, 95814.
