
Sexism in Politics

State Sen. Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach) has come down hard in the print media on sexism in politics. Rightly so. I’ve never found myself agreeing with Sen. Bergeson on any matter, but I agree with this fine lady on this one.

This sexism in politics (picking a female political candidate for sex alone to “balance the ticket”) serves no one. Not women, not candidates, not a political party, and not society.

I go further than Sen. Bergeson. This tawdry political practice is unabashedly a calloused attempt to quell women’s whimpers decrying (as they rightfully do) society’s neglect of opportunities for women in occupations traditionally reserved for men.


I suppose I’m guilty of sexism in reverse. In 12 years of diplomatic service, I never saw any male equal to two women I met there. One was my supervisor. The other shouted for a falsely accused male colleague when men ran for cover. I must confess, Ill take women anytime.


Laguna Beach
