
Day-Care Center in Santa Ana

The message Seal Beach residents are sending their City Council is loud and clear: They don’t want the housing project currently proposed by Mola Corp. Instead, they want to preserve the little open space that’s left in Seal Beach.

Although Seal Beach residents have waged a vigorous and unified protest against the Mola project, several city officials still seem undecided about their stance on this issue. Victor Grgas, for example, has stated his reluctance to vote against the project because he fears Mola Corp. will sue the city for reneging on its agreement.

Since Grgas and other city officials were elected to represent the people of Seal Beach, and since the wishes of the people are very clear on this issue, it seems strange these city officials are reluctant to act in our behalf. Do they represent us, or do they represent Mola Corp.?


If they truly represent us, they are obliged to reflect our concerns about the overdevelopment of our city. If any litigation results from turning down the Mola proposal, so be it.

Furthermore, I suggest that city officials actively seek out investors who would like to develop the entire Hellman property into a top-flight golf course while preserving the wetlands and extending the park. Finally, I ask that our elected representatives begin to take seriously the mandate set forth by Seal Beach citizens to save the open space we have remaining.


Seal Beach
