
Radio Hot Line to Link S. D., Tijuana Police

San Diego and Tijuana authorities have agreed to set up a radio hot line between the two cities’ police forces.

At a joint meeting of the San Diego and Tijuana city councils here Thursday, police officials from both municipalities said they supported the idea.

San Diego Police Chief Bob Burgreen said San Diego is willing to pay for the radio hot line, designed to improve communications between the two police forces. Eduardo Bravo, Tijuana police chief, said authorities here will have to await federal approval before implementing the hot line, but said he expects no problem.


The radio line will operate on a special frequency and be available to police units working near the border. Officials said it could be particularly useful in pursuing border bandits, who often work both sides of the international boundary.

During the largely ceremonial joint council session, officials vowed greater cooperation between the two police forces. The meeting, part of an annual ritual, was the second such joint council assembly, following an inaugural session in San Diego last year.
