
U.S. Brochures for Travelers

The State Department’s bureau of consular affairs has published eight brochures that give travelers advice on specific destinations. The brochures cost $1 each.

One on East Europe and Yugoslavia, for example, gives information on entry requirements, customs, currency rules and restrictions on political activity and photography.

Addresses and phone numbers of U.S. embassies and consulates are also listed.

Also available are brochures with tips on traveling overseas, travel safety and travel by senior citizens.


Publications and their stock numbers: Tips for Americans Residing Abroad, 9402; A Safe Trip Abroad, 9483; Your Trip Abroad, 8969, and Travel Tips for Senior Citizens, 8970.

Also, Tips for Travelers to the Caribbean, 9261; Tips for Travelers to Cuba, 9232; Tips for Travelers to Eastern Europe and Yugoslavia, 9329; Tips for Travelers to Mexico, 9115; Tips for Travelers to the Middle East and North Africa, 9629; Tips for Travelers to South Asia, 9601; Tips for Travelers to the People’s Republic of China, 9199, and Tips for Travelers to the U.S.S.R., 9301.

Brochures may be ordered for $1 each from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 20402, phone (202) 783-3238. Make checks payable to Superintendent of Documents.
