
Anaheim : Police and Firefighters Seek Food Donations

The Anaheim Police and Fire associations are seeking donations of canned foods to distribute to more than 1,000 needy families who have been identified by the Salvation Army and Anaheim Human Services Network.

Donations to the Caroling for Cans program may be made until Dec. 19 at any of the 10 fire stations, the police station or at the Civic Center.

Santa Claus will be at the canned goods storage site at the south end of the Anaheim Plaza parking lot, near the Euclid exit from the Santa Ana Freeway, from 1 to 3 p.m. Dec. 11.


St. Nick will also help decorate fire trucks that will take carolers through the streets of Anaheim from 3 to 7 p.m. to collect additional cans.

Families are invited to bring their donations that afternoon, visit with Santa, meet McGruff the crime dog and sit behind the wheel of a fire truck.

For information, call the Anaheim Fire Department at (714) 999-1800 or the Anaheim Police Department at (714) 999-1980.
