
Defense of New Age

I found the article “ ‘New Age’ Skeptics Have a Convergence All Their Own” (by Bob Sipchen, Nov. 13) interesting, to say the least.

Within the first 10 minutes of the first class that people take from me, I tell them that metaphysics is no quick fix and one of my objectives in teaching is to dispel as many misconceptions as possible so that they can discern false claims when they see them. If someone claims a quick fix, beware--it is only a temporary one. Transformation of consciousness is a long, ongoing, sometimes difficult, process best undertaken in a slow-but-steady pace. If one’s belief system is defined through studying metaphysics and a commitment is made to that belief system a transformation is going to take place, resulting in a new attitude that will then change one’s life.

I too object to a one-day or weekend seminar that promises a complete transformation as if it can be purchased with money. I too object to the many New Age products that claim that instant transformation. But hasn’t that been an advertising tactic long before the term New Age ever came about?

If we recognize that the solutions science offers us have often created more and sometimes even bigger problems, and religion has been the basis for most of the wars and bloodshed throughout history, then we must open our minds to other possibilities. If the Age of Reason and the New Age can work together maybe we’ll have something.


