
Council Cool to a Construction Ban

A proposed temporary ban on all new commercial construction in Culver City has been given a chilly reception by three members of the City Council and a prominent local realtor.

Councilman Jim Boulgarides sought the public and council’s feedback on a moratorium idea, saying a temporary ban could help the city as it tries to develop a comprehensive growth-management plan.

Many local slow-growth advocates are calling for a temporary ban, saying past city leaders approved too many high-rises and other commercial projects.


Boulgarides’ suggestion drew fire last week from realtor Shel Abrahamson, who said even a temporary ban would permanently “scare developers away from the community.” Councilman Richard Alexander said a temporary ban is not needed because development in the city is not “out of control.”

Boulgarides, who was elected with fellow Councilman Steve Gourley last April on a wave of slow-growth sentiment, said he may still submit a temporary moratorium for a council vote this spring.

The council’s negative reaction to the concept of a moratorium was the second setback in as many weeks for Culver City’s slow-growth advocates. Two weeks earlier, a measure that would have effectively limited the height of all new buildings in the city to 60 feet was rejected on a 3-2 council vote.
