
Mirroring a Malady

Michael Pittas’ comments are right on target, especially his criticism of architects designing primarily for recognition by colleagues, often at he expense of the community and the intended user (“American Dream House: New Reality,” by Connie Koenenn, March 21). His revelation of the profession’s non-existence in the arena of code development, though assuredly shocking to laymen, is true.

We architects, individually and collectively, have castigated ourselves mercilessly for decades over this predicament.

However, let’s remember that all of the great architecture of the past was instigated by non-architects, primarily secular and ecclesiastical nobility that generously supported this delicate profession, so it always rose to excellence. These people were the driving force of the entire marvelous culture we in America inherited from the Old World of Europe and other civilizations.


Unfortunately, today, behind the steering wheel are uncultured opportunists at every level, whose obsessive on-a-roll-and-can’t-be-stopped philaguria (Greek for “love of money”) has created a self-destructive “ledger book” culture of its own.

Architects, by the very nature of their calling, can only mirror this malady. Their current mutual admiration society, cowering in the face of their greatest historical challenge, is a direct reaction to the absence of support by the people in power.



Culver City
