
Lancaster City Council Elects Harrison as Mayor in 4-1 Vote

Lancaster City Councilwoman Lynn Harrison was elected mayor by a 4-1 vote of the council Monday night.

Councilman George Theophanis cast the lone vote against Harrison, saying she would not be able “to pull the council together.” Theophanis said he opposed Harrison because she and other council members had taken part in closed discussions, which Theophanis alleged violated the state law that requires open meetings.

Harrison denied the charge. She said that Theophanis had objected to a closed discussion the council held at its April 17 meeting, but that the city attorney had attended the session and ruled it legal.


Harrison took over the mayor’s post from Councilman Els Groves, whom the council elected unanimously last July after the sudden death of former Mayor Nicholas J. Maluccio.

Councilmen Arnie Rodio and Bill Pursley joined Groves in voting for Harrison Monday. They said Harrison, whose council term expires next year, would be an excellent mayor.
