
U.S. Relations With China

I find it difficult to describe the disgust I feel towards President Bush and Marlin Fitzwater, White House Press Secretary, after reading “Bush Acts to Ease Sino-U.S. Tension” (Part I, June 17).

These two typical politicians want to salvage this relationship because of “America’s once-flourishing commercial relationship with China.” So what if the Chinese leadership has no qualms about ordering the wanton slaughter of its citizens; the U.S. feels it is more important to overlook these atrocities for the almighty buck! Part of this commercial endeavor was sending arms to the Chinese. Were these the arms used to put down the pro-democracy revolt? Fitzwater even admits that the U.S. government works with the leaders in charge at the time. Terrific!

I guess it is no secret that the U.S. government will gladly deal with international criminals, whether they are running a country or not. What are a few thousand Chinese lives worth, anyway, when there is a buck to be made.



Los Angeles
